Teaching and EducationBirth to Six - The Most Important Developmental Years - The Neurodevelopmental Approach is like no other approach to human development. It is unique in its way of looking at the whole individual, not the separate pieces. Taking the individual pieces and understanding how they interrelate so you can look at the whole individual will greatly enhance what you do as you work with your child.
Teaching Babies - The logical next question is, if we can accelerate the learning of those with problems, what about those that appear to function normally? Can we accelerate the development of the "average" child or adult? Also, knowing these developmental steps, can we design an environment to help babies develop "superior" function and avoid making mistakes that have consequences later? The answer to this is...of course! |
Phonics vs. Sight Reading - The controversy between Phonics and sight reading has been a long standing argument. With phonics usually winning out in homeschool circles. But, despite a strong stance in favor of phonics, many parents find themselves at a standstill in terms of their child actually being able to learn the phonics and then read. It is fine to stand up for phonics, but if you can't make it work, then it is time to learn more in-depth about the brain that processes phonics.
Brain Building Basics for Babies - It’s been well established that the first five years of life for our children are significant in the amount of learning that takes place during that time. That estimated amount can vary, but I believe it’s approximately half of all they will learn in their lifetime. They learn to: hear and listen, see and observe, feel and sense their bodies in space, move and become mobile and coordinated, make sounds and communicate. Those are tremendous skills that develop primarily in those first few years.
Developing Good Visual Skills - Building superior visual skills is much easier for most children than developing good auditory skills. Our society has become very oriented to visual input from the entertainment industry. That input from television, computers, electronic games, movies, and the like, has frequently developed within our children some excellent visual skills.
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Brain Building Basics for Babies - It’s been well established that the first five years of life for our children are significant in the amount of learning that takes place during that time. That estimated amount can vary, but I believe it’s approximately half of all they will learn in their lifetime. They learn to: hear and listen, see and observe, feel and sense their bodies in space, move and become mobile and coordinated, make sounds and communicate. Those are tremendous skills that develop primarily in those first few years.
Developing Good Visual Skills - Building superior visual skills is much easier for most children than developing good auditory skills. Our society has become very oriented to visual input from the entertainment industry. That input from television, computers, electronic games, movies, and the like, has frequently developed within our children some excellent visual skills.
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