Skype Evaluations
Skype is an excellent way to have an evaluation when:
- You do not live near one of our locations.
- If you would like to have an evaluation as soon as possible.
- If time or ability to make it to an evaluation isn't feasible.
- If you just want to!
Skype evaluations are a great way to allow us into your home and see your child in their comfort zone. Many times the children do better not feeling like they are in a "testing" environment (we do strive to prevent this feeling even with in-person evaluations).
More than just Skype
We utilize more than just Skype for long distance evaluations. We can also do FaceTime or telephone consultations. Whatever is easiest for you, we can accommodate.
Contact Us
If you are ready to schedule an evaluation, just contact us letting us know you're ready! We will send you all the information you need, and the procedures moving forward. You can contact us by:
- Telephone - 801-395-1979 - Currently unavailable... We're working on getting it back up ASAP
- Email - [email protected]
More Info
To find out more about the evaluation procedures and fees please visit THIS page. Please let us know if you have any questions!