Michael's Story
If I was wondering if the ND approach worked, I need not question anymore. The last 4 month session, we hardly did program. Michael didn't progress much. This session, we are working consistently. Michael is learning! He can now recognize numbers 1-100. He completed reading his first book "Duck in the Muck" and now is learning another book. We are working on subtraction in math. He is finally getting 4s in auditory sequencing about 50% of the time. The Yes/No book is easy for him. He can cross skip for a short distance. He can do most of the tongue exercises, except Pa-ta-ka and sticking his tongue out straight independently of his lips and jaw. We're really working on that one. He gets it with assistance. Michael now gets dressed completely alone and goes into the bathroom and brushes his teeth, goes potty and then wipes his face in the morning. No more early morning hassles. I fix myself a cup of coffee while he gets ready for school. Life is GRAND! Thank you, Linda.
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