Information About LabelsAutism - Children with this label are highly complicated. There are no easy, quick fixes. But there is hope and there are ways to bring them as close to reaching their fullest potential possible. It requires much dedication, consistency, and hard work from the parents, but the rewards are immeasurable.
Down Syndrome/Autism - Dual Diagnosis - In this article I hope to provide families with: demystifying information regarding the label of 'autistic'; proactive observation techniques to detect autistic-like or sensory behaviors; and practical ideas for eliminating the behaviors. |
Down Syndrome - A Christian Neurodevelopmental Approach - Though your child was born with Down Syndrome, there is much joy and hope. The future can be bright and the parents need to be supported and equipped with information and techniques to help their child reach his full potential. With knowledge and information appropriate to their child, parents can have the joy of helping their child defy labels and achieve his full, God-given potential.
Dyslexia - A Neurodevelopmental Approach - Dyslexia, the word that strikes fear and dread in the hearts of thousands of parents each year, is a complicated and controversial diagnosis. Parents hear this devastating diagnosis and are typically told that teaching coping and compensating skills is the only answer.
Learning Disabilities - Someone you know or love has been labeled “learning disabled.” What does this mean? What are you to do now? The first and most important thing you can do is try to find out and understand what exactly does this label mean.
Who has overcome learning disabilities? - I would like these concerned parents to meet some of "my families", families with children who have overcome their problems and gone on to function with or surpass their peers. The fact is that if we treat the causes of these problems, the children and adults can overcome their labels and go on to achieve the work the Lord has for them.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Effect - There is much hope for the individual affected by alcohol in utero. Although identification and diagnosis has its place, your job as a parent is to find out how to best help your children reach their God-given potential. Parents need to know what is really causing the troublesome symptoms, and how they can help to remediate the problems. Do not let negative predictions limit the potential you see in your child. Individuals have defied labels for years and years by remediating the causes in very specific ways.
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Dyslexia - A Neurodevelopmental Approach - Dyslexia, the word that strikes fear and dread in the hearts of thousands of parents each year, is a complicated and controversial diagnosis. Parents hear this devastating diagnosis and are typically told that teaching coping and compensating skills is the only answer.
Learning Disabilities - Someone you know or love has been labeled “learning disabled.” What does this mean? What are you to do now? The first and most important thing you can do is try to find out and understand what exactly does this label mean.
Who has overcome learning disabilities? - I would like these concerned parents to meet some of "my families", families with children who have overcome their problems and gone on to function with or surpass their peers. The fact is that if we treat the causes of these problems, the children and adults can overcome their labels and go on to achieve the work the Lord has for them.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Effect - There is much hope for the individual affected by alcohol in utero. Although identification and diagnosis has its place, your job as a parent is to find out how to best help your children reach their God-given potential. Parents need to know what is really causing the troublesome symptoms, and how they can help to remediate the problems. Do not let negative predictions limit the potential you see in your child. Individuals have defied labels for years and years by remediating the causes in very specific ways.
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