Hearing and Sound Therapy
Can your child benefit from Sound Therapy? - Often, a parent will suspect something is wrong with their child’s “hearing”, but all of the standard medical tests show that “hearing” is fine. If your child has a history of ear infections, is easily distracted by other sounds, has articulation issues, or other hearing or verbal issues they may be exhibiting inefficient Tonal Processing.
God Gave Us “Ears To Hear” - The sensory system of the body is that system that brings a great deal of input to the brain. It includes the senses of touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing. I would like to share with you some of the things I have discovered that make significant challenges to learning in the area of hearing. |
Hearing, Learning And Listening - Great confusion exists today in the areas of analysis of auditory function. This confusion exists because of errors in the methods used to analyze and diagnose these problems. What is commonly used today is a symptomatic label such as ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabled, visual or auditory processing problems, CAPD, mentally retarded, autistic, PDD, ODD and so forth. It is our experience that all of these labeled individuals have some problem with auditory function.
Sound Therapy for Children with Down Syndrome - Children with Down Syndrome often have speech and language problems. Neurodevelopmentalists have a very different approach to these problems than the normal therapeutic route. Since these problems are developmental, neurodevelopmentalists look at these problems as opportunities for improvement.
Developing Strong Auditory Skills - The most important aspects of our children’s learning success or difficulty must include strong auditory skills. I am continuing to learn, myself, about the development of good auditory skills and not only how that takes place, but also how we can be sure our child has the best auditory skills possible. There are some specific things that keep our children from properly developing those auditory skills.
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Sound Therapy for Children with Down Syndrome - Children with Down Syndrome often have speech and language problems. Neurodevelopmentalists have a very different approach to these problems than the normal therapeutic route. Since these problems are developmental, neurodevelopmentalists look at these problems as opportunities for improvement.
Developing Strong Auditory Skills - The most important aspects of our children’s learning success or difficulty must include strong auditory skills. I am continuing to learn, myself, about the development of good auditory skills and not only how that takes place, but also how we can be sure our child has the best auditory skills possible. There are some specific things that keep our children from properly developing those auditory skills.
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