A Dominance Success Story
Dear Friends,
I have an encouraging bit of news for you-- we switched hands and got dominance settled, and you can too! :-) There were many days when I wondered if it would ever come together and then if it would settle, but a couple of weeks ago Linda Kane said Abigail, 13, is now left dominant in all categories! And she has stayed there for the last several months! Abigail is proud of herself and ready to move on to school activities in which she can now succeed!
In case you are interested, here is the history. We started using ND for Isaac (DS) when he was 2. With all I was learning, I realized Abigail, age 8, had some dominance issues that were holding back her learning and development. I started working on her ears, eyes, and feet with a little coaching from Linda, but we did not have her evaluated. As we progressed through the year, making NO progress, I watched her learning cartwheels and leading with her left foot each time. Hmm, mixed feet, but this new skill was leading left each time. Maybe her hand was wrong and we were going the wrong way. We signed her up for evaluations and started plowing ahead. Many days were not pretty. My husband thought we were a little nuts, but he didn't like the way things were currently, so he agreed to let us give it a try with her. We have had many ups and downs, steps forward and steps back, and a year off to regroup funds in the middle, but her dominance is holding pretty strong now 4-5 years after tackling this hand switch. Her digits have come up to standard and we hope to continue to move ahead. Hardest to move forward was the ACWS. I think she was about a 3 when we started, and she is now 6-7, though it took a long time to budge. That was major! We continue to work on speech and communication issues. She can now, with reminders, finally say her "r's" and "l's", though for some reason they drift in and out. Mental focus is sometimes better than others, and we continue to work on fast and excessive talking issues. Her allergies and asthma are better, though they still play a factor in her ups and downs. Overall she is a delightful child, full of joy and enthusiasm, and better able to manage her emotions and her world.
God has blessed us through Linda Kane and many of you! Thank you for all your posts and encouraging words. Isaac will continue with program, so I'll keep lurking, trying to balance my needs of information and encouragement with actually getting program done. Thank you to those who pray faithfully for program kids and families and ND's. God is on the move, and I am so thankful to be a part of it!!
In addition, my son Nathan, 16, seems to have switched his eye and ear dominance by patching and plugging. He has not been fully evaluated, though Sonya and Linda have given us many pointers and suggestions. He is now improving on his spelling and writing skills, and feeling good about taking a dual credit class (for home school and college credit) at our local community college while managing his own lawn care business, swimming on a team, and doing school at home.
Isaac, 7 and DS, continues to make improvement on his processing and communication. Most noticeable is his improvement on eating and self-feeding. He has had severe aversions and issues with food since having leukemia at 10 months, but he is now feeding himself (mostly), eating a variety of foods, and drinking more sips. We hope his g tube will be able to be taken out in the near future. He is truly a barrel of sunshine, and he gets into trouble faster than a barrel of monkeys!
We still have much to work on, but we have A LOT to be thankful for, and thankful we are. Isaac and I are learning Ps. 103 (for 2 minutes at a time while I do pleoptics with him), and it seems just the scripture to share. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his Holy Name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's...."
May God shore up your courage, program moms, and help us do hard things for his glory and the sake of our children. My heartfelt encouragement goes out to each of you. Now back to program and homeschooling and mom duties...
Barbara W.
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I have an encouraging bit of news for you-- we switched hands and got dominance settled, and you can too! :-) There were many days when I wondered if it would ever come together and then if it would settle, but a couple of weeks ago Linda Kane said Abigail, 13, is now left dominant in all categories! And she has stayed there for the last several months! Abigail is proud of herself and ready to move on to school activities in which she can now succeed!
In case you are interested, here is the history. We started using ND for Isaac (DS) when he was 2. With all I was learning, I realized Abigail, age 8, had some dominance issues that were holding back her learning and development. I started working on her ears, eyes, and feet with a little coaching from Linda, but we did not have her evaluated. As we progressed through the year, making NO progress, I watched her learning cartwheels and leading with her left foot each time. Hmm, mixed feet, but this new skill was leading left each time. Maybe her hand was wrong and we were going the wrong way. We signed her up for evaluations and started plowing ahead. Many days were not pretty. My husband thought we were a little nuts, but he didn't like the way things were currently, so he agreed to let us give it a try with her. We have had many ups and downs, steps forward and steps back, and a year off to regroup funds in the middle, but her dominance is holding pretty strong now 4-5 years after tackling this hand switch. Her digits have come up to standard and we hope to continue to move ahead. Hardest to move forward was the ACWS. I think she was about a 3 when we started, and she is now 6-7, though it took a long time to budge. That was major! We continue to work on speech and communication issues. She can now, with reminders, finally say her "r's" and "l's", though for some reason they drift in and out. Mental focus is sometimes better than others, and we continue to work on fast and excessive talking issues. Her allergies and asthma are better, though they still play a factor in her ups and downs. Overall she is a delightful child, full of joy and enthusiasm, and better able to manage her emotions and her world.
God has blessed us through Linda Kane and many of you! Thank you for all your posts and encouraging words. Isaac will continue with program, so I'll keep lurking, trying to balance my needs of information and encouragement with actually getting program done. Thank you to those who pray faithfully for program kids and families and ND's. God is on the move, and I am so thankful to be a part of it!!
In addition, my son Nathan, 16, seems to have switched his eye and ear dominance by patching and plugging. He has not been fully evaluated, though Sonya and Linda have given us many pointers and suggestions. He is now improving on his spelling and writing skills, and feeling good about taking a dual credit class (for home school and college credit) at our local community college while managing his own lawn care business, swimming on a team, and doing school at home.
Isaac, 7 and DS, continues to make improvement on his processing and communication. Most noticeable is his improvement on eating and self-feeding. He has had severe aversions and issues with food since having leukemia at 10 months, but he is now feeding himself (mostly), eating a variety of foods, and drinking more sips. We hope his g tube will be able to be taken out in the near future. He is truly a barrel of sunshine, and he gets into trouble faster than a barrel of monkeys!
We still have much to work on, but we have A LOT to be thankful for, and thankful we are. Isaac and I are learning Ps. 103 (for 2 minutes at a time while I do pleoptics with him), and it seems just the scripture to share. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his Holy Name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's...."
May God shore up your courage, program moms, and help us do hard things for his glory and the sake of our children. My heartfelt encouragement goes out to each of you. Now back to program and homeschooling and mom duties...
Barbara W.
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